By Renata Sarno, BCM Families Foundation President
I’d like to thank all the participants of the 2016 Drawing Contest. We received many drawings. Each of them is beautiful and well done.
Particularly we would like to thank the youngest child, Neil, who did a very nice drawing with his mom. We will send him a blue cap.
Moreover William and John Adam received the vote of the expert teacher Valentina and will each receive a blue cap.
Ezra’s drawings were really appreciated, especially his beautiful Magic Railroad. He wins a blue cap.
Micky’s excellent realistic drawings show a well-rounded person who enjoys history (intellectual/mind) as well as water polo (physical/body). He wins a blue cap.
Second place is a tie between Van and Alexander. Each of them wins a white cap, plus a pink cap for mom.
And finally (“drumroll”)….
the Winner of the 2016 Drawing Contest is Oscar!! He wins a pink cap and a pink bag for his mother and a blue cap for him!WINNER: Oscar

CATEGORY: Your BCM superpower! – TITLE: “My BCM super power is great night vision. This is a picture of The BCM Super Monkey, using his vision at night.”
We at BCMFF know just how awesome, amazing and talented you 3-14 years old BCM boys are, so now we would like you to draw us a picture, showing us any of the things listed below:
– Your most incredible talent,
– What you enjoy doing,
– The world as you see it, or
– Your BCM superpower!
Please write the title of your drawing at the top, and your first name & last initial at the bottom of your drawing.
Prize-winning drawings will be posted on our BCM Families website BCM Families.
Winners will receive a prize! The Grand Prize winner in each age category will also receive a gift to give his mother! Each BCM boy can enter up to 4 times.
Entries should be scanned, then e-mailed to info@bcmfamilies.org no later than bedtime May 14, 2016. Winners will be announced on our BCM Families website by May 15, 2016.
Looking forward to seeing your drawings!
Have fun!
Participants and Drawings
1. Niels V.L. from Paris – France – 3 years old.
CATEGORY: What you enjoy doing – TITLE: “I enjoy reading with Mum”

2. Van B. from South Carolina, USA – 5 years old.
CATEGORY: Your BCM superpower! – TITLE: “My superpower is commitment and persistence”

CATEGORY: The World as you see it – TITLE: “Heart & Brain & Human Body Parts”

3. William B. from South Carolina, USA – 5 years old.
CATEGORY: Your BCM superpower! – TITLE: “My superpower is my imagination”

CATEGORY: What you enjoy doing – TITLE: “I enjoy Stegosaurs”

4. Ezra from WA, USA – 5 years old.
CATEGORY: The World as you see it – TITLE: “Thomas and the Magic Railroad”

CATEGORY: The World as you see it – TITLE: “Airplane Fire”

5.John Adam B. from South Carolina, USA – 7 years old.
CATEGORY: The World as you see it – TITLE: “I love the Earth”

CATEGORY: The World as you see it – TITLE: “I miss my cousin”

CATEGORY: Your BCM superpower! – TITLE: “My superpower is Love, I love my dog”

6. Oscar from UK – 7 years old.
CATEGORY: Your BCM superpower! – TITLE: “My BCM super power is great night vision. This is a picture of The BCM Super Monkey, using his vision at night.”

7. Micky B. from Rome, Italy – 11 years old.
CATEGORY: What you enjoy doing – TITLE:”I love Water Polo”

CATEGORY: What you enjoy doing – TITLE:”I love History”

8. Alexander M. from Sweden – 13 years old.
CATEGORY: What you enjoy doing – TITLE: “It’s me. My favorite sport is Parkour”