Make a Donation!

Help us to reach the cure for Blue Cone Monochromacy. Your help is essential and will make a difference!

Online Donation

Using PayPal or any major credit cards

Bank Check (US) donation

Payable to ‘BCM Families Foundation. The check can be mailed to the following address:

BCM Families Foundation
PO Box 7711
Jupiter, FL 33468-7711 USA

BCM Families Foundation is the only non-profit organization totally dedicated to the cure of this rare eye disease. All donations that we collect go exclusively to fund the most promising medical research which have as their purbose the treatment or the cure of BCM. It is a requirement of the BCM Families Foundation that no portion of the grants be charged with overhead and indirect costs of research institutions.

At the BCM Families Foundation 100% of donations are spent on our mission #Cure4CM. 0% of donations are spent on staff salaries. Volunteers operate BCM Families Foundation. The Board of Directors are all unsalaried volunteers who donate both their time and money to the Foundation.

BCM Families Foundation is a tax-exempt charity under IRS Code, Section 501(c)(3). (for the IRS determination letter please click here)

BCM is a disease ‘orphan because it is rare, but there are thousands of children around the world coping with low vision and nystagmus and waiting for a cure.

Thank you