Join our Webinar on Zoom
Date and Time: May 20th, 2020 at 12:00pm (Noon) Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Attendees Invitation
BCM Families Foundation – Webinar
Gene Therapy and Blue Cone Monochromacy
Webinar Agenda:
Chairman: Barbara Sergent, MBA, Director and Treasurer of the BCMFF
12:00pm – 12:20pm
«Gene Therapy » Undisclosed title
Undisclosed Speaker
12:20pm – 12:40pm
“Gene Therapy: How it is done and its application for BCM therapy”
William W. Hauswirth, PhD – University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
12:40pm – 01:00pm
«Blue Cone Monochromacy: From Diagnosis to Treatment»
Samuel G. Jacobson MD PhD – Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, USA
01:00 pm – 01:15pm
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