Ophtalmologists & expert centers in Scandinavia

Many people report that it took many years to achieve a clinical diagnosis of BCM. This is due to the fact that the BCM is a rare disease and you need to consult ophthalmologists specializing in inherited retinal diseases.

Here are some ophthalmologists who have visited other patients with BCM or have worked in scientific research on BCM and/or on similar diseases.

In particular, some eye doctors are carrying out research funded by our foundation and have been chosen for their expertise and for their interest in regard to the BCM.

Ophthalmologists and clinical centers expert in BCM

Sten Andréasson, MD

Professor, Specialist Ophthalmology, Expert

Lunds Universitet

Lund, Sweden

Josephine Prener Holtan, MD PhD

Department of Ophthalmology, Oslo University Hospital

Senior physician,
Eye Department Pediatric section – Genetic eye diseases.

Oslo, Norway

Oslo University Hospital

Department of Ophthalmology
Kirkeveien 166 OUS Ullevål, 0450, Oslo, Norway

Michael Larsen

Patients are invited to contact Ms. Jeannette Heintze at tel. +45 3863 4446

Professor, overlæge, dr.med., FARVO
Rigshospitalets Øjenklinik og Københavns Universitet
Department of Ophthalmology, Rigshospitalet-Glostrup, University of Copenhagen

Valdemar Hansens Vej 3, 2600 Glostrup, DK2600, Denmark