
To enroll in the BCM Patient Registry, please follow the tutorial:

Be prepared with the following documents and information:

Prepare documents 1, 2, 3 and, if necessary, 4

  1.  For minors age 7 and older, print and sign BCM Registry Assent Form. Assent is available in English, French, Spanish, German and Italian language. Please ask to the Registry Manager at for Assent in French, Spanish, German and Italian language.
  2.  Prepare an e-copy of your/your son’s DNA test report.
  3.  Prepare a document with your family data: total number of people affected by BCM in your family – dead and alive -, and number of alive people affected by BCM in your family . If you have a family pedigree – Pedigree-Explanation – prepare an e-copy of it. Prepare a narrative description of who in your family is affected: grandfather, father, son(s), brother(s), uncle(s), cousin(s), for as far back as you can be sure of this information. The Registry Manager can help you preparing your family Pedigree, write her
  4. If your doctor is in this list:
    Tomas Aleman
    David Birch
    Pierre Bitoun
    Joseph Carroll
    Jacque Duncan
    Amy Hutchinson
    Alessandro Iannaccone
    Cristina Irigoyen Laborra
    Cristiana Marchese
    Elisabetta Martina
    Marc Mathias
    Michel Michaelides
    Katarina Stingl
    Lucia Ziccardi

then select him/her inside the registry.

Otherwise, if your clinician is not in the previous list, please contact the Registry Manager at It could be important to prepare an e-copy of your/your son’s clinical report with diagnosis of BCM and your/your son’s last ophthalmological visit report.

Create your account

  • Go to the bottom of the webpage and create your/your son’s account.
  • Click on the confirmation email.
  • Log in at and give consent(s).
  • Insert Personal Data.
  • Go to Diagnosis subpage and upload document 2), your/your son’s DNA Test Report.
  • Go to Clinician subpage and select from the list your clinician or, if there isn’t, send an email to
  • Go to Family Data subpage and create your family ID, then from document 3), insert numbers of total and alive people with BCM in your family – see also Pedigree-Explanation.

Send an Email to

Send an Email with:

  • A signed BCM Registry Assent Form for minors age 7 years or older – document 1..
  • Family pedigree – if you have it – and/or a narrative description of who in your family is affected: grandfather, father, son(s), brother(s), uncle(s), cousin(s) – document 3. Pedigree-Explanation.

You will receive an email back from the Registry Manager with approval information and a pedigree to be approved.

Forms and Contacts

This BCM Registry® is an online Patient Registry dedicated to a rare genetic retinal disease, Blue Cone Monochromacy. The Registry was created by BCM Families Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit patient-led organization with the mission to cure BCM.

The BCM Patient Registry received funds from Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese.

Email us to


2019-2020-2021 Results have been reported in the BCMRegistry-Poster-2022-Final

2019-2020 Results have been reported in the BCMRegistry-Poster-Final

How to draw your family pedigree: Pedigree-Explanation

BCM Registry Consent Form

BCM Registry Assent Form

Terms & Conditions

Privacy Notice to Patients

BCM Registry Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)